
A must have in every jewish home

You know those games that claim to be family-friendly but then you start playing and there are inappropriate themes that would force you to have some very awkward conversations with your 8-year-old? Well, have no fear, Shmutz is here!

When we say our game is suitable for all ages, we mean it. Be confident when sitting down to a G-rated Jewish family game night that we keep it clean, so you don't have to worry about missing out on some kishka-destroying laughing fits. (We are not responsible for hospital bills caused by said laughter.)

We pride ourselves in providing just the right balance of laughter and tears that resonates with everyone from your 8-year-old Yankele all the way to your great uncle Ira who has been around since the Civil War. (You know that ripe old age when you become completely out of touch with civilized humanity.)

Shmutz - Kosher fun for the WHOLE family!



$34.99 $44.99


** Returning November 2024

Featuring 432 cards and endless hours of fun.

Ages 10+

4 - 15 players

Not suitable for players with a limited sense of humor.

A little Shmutz has been proven to benefit the immune system.

Boredom got you down?

Are you tired of those stale, seemingly endless Shabbats with nothing exciting to do to help pass the time? We get it, not even the freshest niggun or schmaltz herring excites you anymore! You're definitely bored of playing the same ol' board games that have been picking up dust in your parent's attic since the Reagan administration. Let's face it, the Monopoly is probably short a few tokens and you can't find the Marvin Gardens card.

Play Shmutz!

Well, the good news is your superficial Tefillos have finally been answered! It's time to put an end to your 1st-world problems and get into some Shmutz, a hilarious game for all ages, religious denominations, and cultural backgrounds. Grab your siblings, some friends (or even your Bubby!) and before you know it, it'll be time to sniff the Besamim.


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Was it chutzpah for us to use the words free and deal in order to grab your attention? Maybe. But our other option was to contact your mother-in-law and get her to kvetch and guilt you into signing up.'re welcome.




While playing Shmutz, I laughed so hard, I snorted milk all over the cards and had to ask a shailah about using the game while fleishigs. My Rabbi gave me the go-ahead but to be safe I suggest you ask your local Rabbi.

– Chana Yenta from Williamsburg

I just played Shmutz with 4 other people and an empty chair that we reserved for the Lubavitcher Rebbe. He didn't play but I'm sure he laughed along with us.

– Mendy from Crown Heights

My friend heard that Shmutz is a segulah for finding a shidduch so I played it last week and I got engaged last night. Highly recommend for singles looking for their bashert.

– Farnoosh from Great Neck

I bought Shmutz so my grandchildren would have an excuse to come visit but now they won't leave. This game works too well.

– Bubbe Malka from Boro Park

I wasn't gonna make a public post on the internet cuz it's probably not tznius but if I make another yid get Shmutz and laugh then the mitzvah outweighs the negative! Also don't play it too much cuz you'll laugh so hard, you'll forget you're in galus.

– Fruma Malka from Lakewood

I had to buy 2 games. One for the men and one for the women in our home but it was so worth it. Shmutz is so funny, I could even hear the ladies laugh all the way from the kitchen in my garage where they were playing.

– Yoely from New Square